Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Adventure Begins

Hello all!
I have finally arrived in Jakarta after many hours on planes. I went from Detroit to Minneapolis to Tokyo to Singapore to Jakarta. Some random things I did/experienced while traveling:

  • I sprinted across the Minneapolis airport to catch my connecting flight to Tokyo

  • Flew over Canada and Alaska and got a bird's eye view of some sweet geologic formations

  • Made an "About Me" powerpoint featuring pictures of my friends, family and home to show to my class

  • Watched "Alice in Wonderland" dubbed over in Japanese

  • Tried a "Green Tea" flavored Kit Kat bar in the Tokyo Narita airport

  • Learned some Indonesian via a program on the touch screen televisions on the flight to Singapore

  • Temporarily lost my baggage (I made the connecting flight to Tokyo- it didn't)

  • Met all the Fulbrighters!

  • Met two people who actually know where Oscoda is

  • Stayed the night in Singapore

So overall the traveling went really well. I was able to sleep a lot on the planes and my bag has caught up to me in Jakarta. For the first four weeks the English Teaching Assistants will be doing an orientation first in Jakarta, then in Bandung. We are going over some basic things about the Fulbright Program in general as of right now, but soon we will begin training for teaching English as a Second Language and also get some language instruction for Bahasa Indonesian, which I am VERY stoked for. I can say a few things as of right now but basic words like "cat" and "fork" can only get you so far.

More to come on Jakarta later when I get out and about more...

I miss you already! Take care all and I will talk to you soon.



  1. Hey Demi, Love your blog Aunt Diane says hello and everyone else here. We miss you already also. Hope your having a great time. Today is your moms B-day. Your dad just left to get her a present. Good boy he is. Take care and talk to you soon. Debbie

  2. Very exciting stuff Demi! Have fun and stay safe. We love and miss you, and look forward to your updates.

  3. I hated the Minneapolis airport for a very similar reason! Coming back from South Africa my friends and I sprinted to catch our LAST FLIGHT from Minneapolis to Grand Rapids (after 26 hours of travel) and they let the plane leave EARLY without all twelve of us! I guess that's an issue with Delta, though, not MSP

  4. Dem-Dem-

    Ojalá que estés bien y gozando toda la nueva vida tuya. Me gusta mucho las fotos que has bajado en tu página. Nos vemos tía.

  5. Bonjour Demi, ces't ton ami Claude de Ranger Lake qui te parle.
    your writting and pictures are great looking forward to you updates.

  6. I love these postings Demi.... now I can continue to live vicariously through you! :-)

  7. Wonderful blog* Wish you well* The pictures look amazing! take care & god bless, Big hug, Andie
